Mission Statement: The Murrysville Economic and Community Development Corporation (MECDC), a productive resource, stimulates and enhances economic and community development through advocacy, education, and partnerships to achieve business growth.
The Murrysville Economic and Community Development Corporation (MECDC) was incorporated by the PA Department of State in April 2000 and obtained its 501(c)(3) tax status from IRS on May 30, 2002.
MECDC was created as a result of a recommendation of the Murrysville Streetscape Plan adopted by the Municipality of Murrysville (M.O.M.) Council in August 1999 to “create an entity to implement the recommendation of the Streetscape Plan.”
MECDC with the assistance of the University of Pittsburgh Katz School of Business undertook an economic development research project for Murrysville on January 26, 2001, and completed on April 17, 2001. (Katz Report)
Prior to early 2001; the PA Department of Economic and Community Development (DCED) sponsored the Main Street Program that funded qualified communities to hire Directors.

To apply for these grants, a study was required. MECDC and M.O.M. entered into a joint agreement with Taylor & Taylor Associates, Inc. (T&T) in June 2001 to complete the study and prepare applications to DCED.
This $15,000 fee was funded 50% by M.O.M. and 50% by MECDC through contributions by three local banks.
In August of 2001, DECD published New Community Program Guidelines changing the entire Main Street Program. Our contract with T&T was amended to provide on-site technical services to assist municipal leaders and representatives identify funding sources and develop a draft funding strategy for those projects set forth in the Five-Year Volunteer-Based Action Plan.
The Five Year Action Plan was completed and accepted by the Murrysville Council on August 29, 2001. (Five Yr. Plan) No funding from DCED was ever secured and MECDC has operated under the Five Year Action Plan entirely through volunteer efforts by the Chairman and Board of Directors.
In order to accelerate business enhancement and development, as well as develop a vision for a prosperous, sustainable, corridor community that will complement the prosperous residential portion of the community and enhance the lifestyle offerings to the community, MECDC organized the “Our Town Partnership” sub-committee comprised of two M.O.M. Council Members, two M.O.M. Planning Commission Members, three members of MECDC, and three local Business people.
The Mayor, Chief Administrator, and Community Planning Director of M.O.M. acted as resource coordinators.

M.O.M. Council adopted Resolution No. 455-03 supporting and endorsing the “Our Town Partnership” vision statement and Mission Statement 16th day of July, 2003.
“Our Town Partnership” identified and is addressing five major issues that are required to implement revitalization along the Route 22 corridor and also determine the economic feasibility of a Central Business District “CBD”. The major issues are as follows:
- Identify a location(s) for new upscale commercial development along the commercial corridor and determine the feasibility of creating a “CBD” commercial development (there are likely to be more than one legitimate location for new development.
- Identify available public funding for project implementation; Prepare a master plan for the four-mile corridor that will make the corridor more “pedestrian-friendly” and eliminate the highway corridor image that has existed in the past.
- Create new zoning ordinances to help implement the master plan and new commercial development
- Develop strategies to market the recommended plan and “CBD” and an active marketing plan.
The Council of M.O.M. approved the “Our Town Partnership” proposal at their November 19, 2003 meeting and provided from the Community Development Funds $24,900 to fund a contract with S. Patz & Associates to complete the economic analysis.
The MECDC approved of contract with Gerald Kapp (retired DCED executive) to provide identification of available funding for project implementation in amount of $5,000 provided by a grant obtained by Representative Joseph Markosek from DCED. S. Patz has completed a preliminary version of his report. (Patz Report)
MECDC is in the process of hiring master planners to develop plans for the CBD consistent with the Patz preliminary report and upon which revised ordinances and zoning will be based. MECDC is raising the necessary funds for the master planning process from private and commercial sources.